A Way of Life

A Way of Life

Lessons That Extend Beyond The Classroom
In common with many of the martial art organisations, P.U.M.A. is founded on the principle of respect: both respect for one’s self, and for others. By adopting the spirit of P.U.M.A Martial Arts as well as the physical aspects you will find that you can both earn, and give, respect in all areas of your life.

We find that children and young people in particular benefit from this. Children are all-too easily led by their peers; and bullying and harassment are stilla sad but common reality for children as they grow up. By developing their own self-respect, your child can avoid becoming that easy target for the playground bully – and indeed they can become the role model that others seek to emulate, rather than one who simply follows the pack.

A New Social Network
When you join P.U.M.A., you’ll make a great new circle of friends, all with a shared interest in common. To support these friendships, we arrange several “extra-curricular” activities throughout the year, including social gatherings, camps, and friendly tournaments. If you’re looking for a way to meet great new people and enjoy some real quality time, then this is the place to come!

Fun For All The Family!
Families are stronger when they have a shared interest – something they can all enjoy together and support each other in. At P.U.M.A we don’t just accept family membership… we positively encourage it! A large proportion of our members are family groups who are amazed at the difference it can make to all get ready and come to training together, to work as a team and to enjoy each others’ successes.
Regardless of age or ability, every member can progress and develop at their own rate, so Mums and Dads are free to take on more strenuous challenges while sonsand daughters take things a little slower and steadier – not to mention developing their skills and fitness in a safe environment where they’re always in your line of sight!

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